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Ali Sidorov
Ali Sidorov

How to Use SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64 for Your Design Projects

`How to Use SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64 for Your Design Projects


`SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64 is a powerful and versatile software that allows you to create, edit, and simulate 3D models of any complexity and purpose. Whether you are a professional engineer, a hobbyist, or a student, you can benefit from using this software for your design projects.

SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64


`But what is SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64 and how can you use it? In this article, we will answer these questions and give you some tips and tricks to get the most out of this software.`

`What is SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64?


`SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64 is a version of SolidWorks that does not require installation on your computer. You can run it from a USB drive, an external hard drive, or a cloud storage service. This means that you can use it on any Windows computer without affecting its performance or settings.`

`SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64 includes all the features and modules of SolidWorks Premium 2015, such as:`


  • `SolidWorks CAD: The core of the software that lets you create and edit 3D models using parametric and direct modeling techniques.


  • `SolidWorks Simulation: A suite of tools that lets you perform various types of analysis on your models, such as stress, thermal, fluid, motion, and optimization.


  • `SolidWorks Flow Simulation: A tool that lets you simulate fluid flow and heat transfer in and around your models.


  • `SolidWorks Plastics: A tool that lets you simulate injection molding processes and optimize your plastic parts design.


  • `SolidWorks Electrical: A tool that lets you create and manage electrical schematics and wiring diagrams.


  • `SolidWorks Composer: A tool that lets you create technical documentation and animations from your models.


  • `SolidWorks Inspection: A tool that lets you create inspection reports and drawings from your models.


  • `eDrawings: A tool that lets you view, measure, and annotate your models and share them with others.


  • `PhotoView 360: A tool that lets you render realistic images of your models.



`SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64 also supports various file formats, such as DWG, DXF, IGES, STEP, STL, OBJ, VRML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and more. You can import and export files from other CAD software or online sources.`

`How to Use SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64?


`To use SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64, you need to follow these steps:`


  • `Download the software from one of the links below. The file size is about 4.9 GB, so make sure you have enough space on your storage device.


  • `Extract the files using WinRAR or another archive software. You will get a folder named "SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64".


  • `Open the folder and run the file named "SLDWORKS.exe". This will launch the main SolidWorks program. You can also run other programs from the same folder, such as eDrawings or PhotoView 360.


  • `You can now start creating or opening your models. You can access all the features and modules from the menu bar or the command manager. You can also customize your interface by dragging and dropping tools or changing the color scheme.



`Note: To use SolidWorks Premium 2015 Portable x64, you need to change your region and language settings to English in your control panel. Otherwise, you may encounter some errors or crashes. You also need to have Visual Studio for Applications installed on your computer. If you don't have it, you can download it from here:`

`Tips and Tricks for Using SolidWorks Premium 201 0efd9a6b88


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